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Here How to Join League


Select a match

Choose an upcoming match from your favorite sport.


Create Team

Create your team with the best players using your skills.


Join League

From a wide range of contests choose the one you want to join.

About Megazone11

At MegaZone11, we’ve built the ultimate destination for sports enthusiasts who thrive on the excitement of fantasy gaming. Our platform transforms your sports dreams into reality, offering an immersive and engaging experience like never before.

Unleash your sports knowledge, strategic skills, and competitive spirit in the world of virtual sports!

Frequently Asked Questions

You know every fantasy gaming is an interactive online game that brings gaming & sports fans closer to their favorite sport. That platform helps you in creating your own real cricket teams in a real-time Fantasy gaming, including selecting a Captain and Vice-Captain. If your team performs well and the Captain & Vice-Captain selection wins the match, you will be eligible to earn real money from the prize pool. A platform where users of the Fantasy gaming compete against one another and form teams. Users earn real money every day from the Fantasy contests accessible in Leagues by applying their knowledge and talents. Fantasy League is a concept of online gaming that has seen Fantasy Players from all over the country join from humble beginnings and utilize all their talents and experience to earn real money every day.

If you’re wondering the process by using which you can play fantasy cricket and win contests, then you’ll have to keep updated knowledge about the cricketing world. It’s a very easy process. Playing fantasy cricket like a pro doesn’t need any technical expertise.

Yes, Megazone11 is the most trusted and secured online fantasy sports gaming platform that strictly follows fantasy sports and gaming rules & regulations and runs OFS contests based on fair game policy. Security is our priority and we are very much committed to providing secure services by safeguarding user’s personal information.

After the contest gets over, we will put final ranks and scores of users. As per the criteria, winners will be declared and the given prize will be transferred to the account of the winners.